9.1 Select a project-perhaps a promotional DVD, a marketing web site, or a
corporate intranet. Be creative, and specify the kind of organization you will
be creating the project for. List the take required in developing the project.
Specify how long each task will take.
Project Manager
He / she manage the overall development,
implementation, and day-to-day operations of the project. He is responsible for
the design and management of a project. He needs to understand the strengths
and limitations of hardware and software. He ensures people and organizational
skills. He need to convey information between the team and client.
2 Multimedia
This team consists of graphics designers,
illustrators, animators, and image processing specialists who deal with
visuals, thereby making the project appealing and aesthetic. Besides that, this
team also has instructional designers, who make sure that the subject matter is
presented clearly for the target audience. Furthermore, the team also consists
of interface designers who devise the navigational pathways and content maps.
The team also has information designers who structure content, determine user
pathways and feedback, and select presentation media.
3 Interface
He is responsible for creating a software
device that organizes content, allows users to access or modify content, and
presents that content on the screen. Besides, he must build a user-friendly
4 Video
He needs to understand the delivery of
video files on CD, DVD, or the Web. He also needs to know how to shoot quality
video, how to transfer the video footage to a computer, and how to edit the
footage down to a final product using digital nonlinear editing system (NLE).
9.2 Based on the project specified in 9.1, create a team of at least three
people for the project. Specify their titles, internal and external rates, and
abilities. Write a one-paragraph bio explaining each member's relevant
experience and capabilities.
The project that I choose is to promote the
marketing website for computer application. Our team members consist of three
personnel which are their titles, responsibilities, and capabilities. There are
project manager, customer client and sponsor, project designer.
The first is Project Manager. Basically,
the project manager should have excellent in interpersonal and communication
skills enabling him or her to assemble and manage a diverse team of
The project manager is responsible for
overall project development, manages the cost & budgets, schedules of the
project, personnel, keeps the team focused to the project and their roles.
There are some important characteristic as
a Project Manager should have:
Team Builder
Flexible and Assertive coach
Work Flow Manager
Sales Person
Problem Solver
Committed to quality
Goal setter
Creative and analytical mind
Positive attitude
On the other hand, someone with people
& resource management skills is responsible for overseeing project timeline
& priorities communication, delegation and documentation.
Second is customer or client are very
important to a project, if no money the whole project just an idea. Therefore,
customer equal to income of a project.
The sponsor of a multimedia product must be
able to:
- Understand of the business needs of the
product-why and who will get the benefit.
- Provide approval and acceptance of
- Have knowledge of the end users.
The sponsor of a multimedia project could
- Corporate organizations that have
internal "multimedia team" build marketing and technical
- Venture capitalists who invest in a
product for the market.
- The training departments who develop
classroom or virtual class concept.
There are certain key issues that concern
the clients:
- Their ability to fund a project
- Ensure that the project is delivered on
- The cost is within budget
- Acceptable quality of the product
To do so means that a development
team must be assembled with appropriate management and technical skills to
complete the project.
The third is project designer which is
design the spirit of a project. This position is grow into management roles
-Matures into the role by combining skills
as programmer or graphic artist
-Responsible for developing storyboarding
-Capturing the product from the subject
matter expert
-Define the project content
-Plays most critical and pivotal role for
not only designing the operation but also determining the-content of a
multimedia product