
WEEK 9 Blogging Question 7: Page 292 Project 9.1 & 9.2

Project 9.1 Select a project-perhaps a promotional DVD, a marketing web site, or a corporate intranet. Be creative, and specify the kind of organization you will be creating the project for. List the take required in developing the project. Specify how long each task will take.

1 Project Manager
He / she manage the overall development, implementation, and day-to-day operations of the project. He is responsible for the design and management of a project. He needs to understand the strengths and limitations of hardware and software. He ensures people and organizational skills. He need to convey information between the team and client.

2 Multimedia designer
This team consists of graphics designers, illustrators, animators, and image processing specialists who deal with visuals, thereby making the project appealing and aesthetic. Besides that, this team also has instructional designers, who make sure that the subject matter is presented clearly for the target audience. Furthermore, the team also consists of interface designers who devise the navigational pathways and content maps. The team also has information designers who structure content, determine user pathways and feedback, and select presentation media.

3 Interface designer
He is responsible for creating a software device that organizes content, allows users to access or modify content, and presents that content on the screen. Besides, he must build a user-friendly interface.

4 Video specialist
He needs to understand the delivery of video files on CD, DVD, or the Web. He also needs to know how to shoot quality video, how to transfer the video footage to a computer, and how to edit the footage down to a final product using digital nonlinear editing system (NLE).

Project 9.2 Based on the project specified in 9.1, create a team of at least three people for the project. Specify their titles, internal and external rates, and abilities. Write a one-paragraph bio explaining each member's relevant experience and capabilities.

The project that I choose is to promote the marketing website for computer application. Our team members consist of three personnel which are their titles, responsibilities, and capabilities. There are project manager, customer client and sponsor, project designer.

The first is Project Manager. Basically, the project manager should have excellent in interpersonal and communication skills enabling him or her to assemble and manage a diverse team of development.
The project manager is responsible for overall project development, manages the cost & budgets, schedules of the project, personnel, keeps the team focused to the project and their roles.

There are some important characteristic as a Project Manager should have:
Team Builder
Flexible and Assertive coach
Work Flow Manager
Sales Person
Problem Solver
Committed to quality
Goal setter
Creative and analytical mind
Positive attitude

On the other hand, someone with people & resource management skills is responsible for overseeing project timeline & priorities communication, delegation and documentation.

Second is customer or client are very important to a project, if no money the whole project just an idea. Therefore, customer equal to income of a project.

The sponsor of a multimedia product must be able to:
- Understand of the business needs of the product-why and who will get the benefit.
- Provide approval and acceptance of product.
- Have knowledge of the end users.

The sponsor of a multimedia project could be
- Corporate organizations that have internal "multimedia team" build marketing and technical presentation.
- Venture capitalists who invest in a product for the market.
- The training departments who develop classroom or virtual class concept.

There are certain key issues that concern the clients:
- Their ability to fund a project
- Ensure that the project is delivered on time,
- The cost is within budget
- Acceptable quality of the product
 To do so means that a development team must be assembled with appropriate management and technical skills to complete the project.

The third is project designer which is design the spirit of a project. This position is grow into management roles
-Matures into the role by combining skills as programmer or graphic artist
-Responsible for developing storyboarding
-Capturing the product from the subject matter expert
-Define the project content
-Plays most critical and pivotal role for not only designing the operation but also determining the-content of a multimedia product

WEEK 6 Blogging Question 6: Page 195 Q 3

Discuss several considerations in shooting and editing video for multimedia. What techniques would you use to produce the best possible video, at a reasonable cost? Which of these techniques apply to all video, and which apply specifically to multimedia?

Before we shooting a video for multimedia, there are many considerations to keep in mind when setting up your production environment such as fast processor, enough RAM, big hark disk, dual display to allow you easily editing and external software. In addition, we need to have a good plan, as it will save your time and produce better product. First, we always start from the bottom of the plan. "This video is show it on TV or need to burned it to DVD?" Different format need different consideration to create it. Second, you must create a story line before you shoot a video. A good story line can help you to come out many great ideas while shooting a video. Third, you must use video camera to record video so that it can come out high quality product than digital camera or mobile phone. Fourth, the better the quality of your original material, the better your final product. This is why I suggested using video camera. Then, you must use good lighting techniques. Even if you use a tripod and a high-end video camera you can still produce a low-quality image if there is not enough light at your environment. Low light will create video noise on the image. You must make sure the subject is well lit. Although the higher end video editing software like Apple Final Cut Pro can adjust for brightness and contrast, the process takes time and it can never fully compensate for a bad picture. Once you done your shooting, then you need to use good multimedia software to editing your software . From my experience, Apple Motion 5 and Apple Final Cut Pro is best multimedia software for editing video. You can change your background video, enhance, and cut the frame. Besides, use some transitions or special effects to make your video more quality and attractive. Sound and music must add it to video properly. Use the right music might enhance your final production.


WEEK 5 Blogging Question 6: Page 138 Q 3&Q 5

3. You have been assigned to design and produce the audio portions of a multimedia project. The program will be delivered on a CD-ROM, and video clips will take up most of the CD. You have only 50MB of storage space to store 20 one-minute clips of speech, 10 songs averaging three minutes long, and a background sound loop. What sampling rates and depths should you use for the speech, for the music, and for the background sound? Why?

I would decide to use the mp3 format for my entire audio file in the video clip as it has been compressed while able to maintain the sound quality. For the speech part, I would like to use 96 kbps bit rate, for the music and use 128kbps bit rate as the sound quality is near the CD quality. Finally, for the background loop song, I would choose 128kbps bit rate!

Speech (20)

60 seconds * 96 kbps = 5760 kilobits of data

5760/8 = 720kb (0.72mb)

0.72 * 20 = 14.4mb

Music (10)

180 seconds * 128kbps = 23040kilobits of data

23040/8 = 2880kb (2.88mb)

2.88 * 10 = 28.8mb

Background song

300 seconds * 128kps = 38400 kilobits of data

38400/8 = 4800kb (4.8mb)

Total: 14.4+28.8+4.8 = 48mb

5. List the steps you would go through to record, edit and process a set of sound files for inclusion on a web site. How would you digitally process the files to ensure they are consistent, have minimum file size, and sound their best?

(a)    Steps
Step1: The file size (in bytes) of a digital recording is sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit resolution/8) * number of tracks (1 for mono, 2 for stereo).
Step2: Consumer-grade audio compact discs are recorded in stereo at sampling rate of 44.1 kHz and a 16-bit resolution. Other sampling rates include 22.05 and 11 kHz, at either 16 or bites.
Step3: Digital audio is not device dependent, and sounds the same every time it is played. For this reason digital audio is used far more frequently than MIDI data for multimedia sound tracks. You can digitize sounds from any source, live or prerecorded.
Step4: When recording (digitizing) audio, it’s important to keep the recording level near the maximum without going over it.
Step5: Important steps in digital sound editing include removing blank space from the start and end of a recording and normalizing the sound to bring all clips to approximately the same level.
Step6: The native sound file formats for most Macintosh sound editing software are the SND and AIF formats, and most authoring systems will read these formats. In Windows, the native sound file format for most editing software is a WAV file.
Step7: Many audio editors provide tools such as re-sampling fade-ins and –outs, equalization, time stretching, various digital signal processing effects, and reversing sounds.
Step8: The value of each sample is rounded off to the nearest integer (quantification), and the preparation and programming required for creating digital audio do not demand knowledge of music theory.

(b)   Determine the best & minimize files:
MIDI scores require sequencer software and a sound synthesizer. The General MIDI format standardizes a set of MIDI instruments, ensuring that the MIDI sequence is played correctly. Streaming files begin playing when part of the file has been buffered into the computer’s memory and are dependent upon connection speed. Adobe’s Flash provides powerful tools for integrating and streaming sounds, including the MP3 format. Apples’ QuickTime is a file format that, among other capabilities, enables digital audio to be interleaved with video information.

Page 66 Q 4 & Q 5

4. Discuss the difference among multimedia, interactive multimedia, hypertext, and hypermedia.

Multimedia is defined as the combination of different media elements such as text, pictures, sound and movie etc...

In interactive multimedia, the user or operator is able to interact with the computer directly. (Eg: computer games, interactive websites, multimedia presentations or interactive Cod’s etc..)

Hypertext is basically the same as regular text - it can be stored, read, searched, or edited - with an important exception: hypertext is text with pointers to other text. The browsers let you deal with the pointers in a transparent way -- select the pointer, and you are presented with the text that is pointed to.

Hypermedia is a super set of hypertext. Hypermedia documents contain links not only to other pieces of text, but also to other forms of media - sounds, images, and movies. Images themselves can be selected to link to sounds or documents. This means that browsers might not display a text file, but might display images or sound or animations. Hypermedia simply combines hypertext and multimedia.

5.Your boss wants you to create a hypermedia system for Web visitors to find technical support information about your company. What are some of the implications in creating this system? Should you hand -build the links or use an automatic indexing system? Why?

Since the internet market is constantly evolving, a company possessing a hypermedia system can elevate the accessibility power to its customer respectively.  Hypermedia system benefits a company in term of advertising, marketing strategies, and improves the overall core business as well. The reason is company can utilize it’s to tailors customer needs and wants by providing hyperlink that are most relevant to their customer. In my opinion, I will prefer using automatic indexing system which are more cost effectiveness and efficiency than the manually hand build indexing. Besides that, most of the time a highly structure hypermedia system not developed by one indexer only, it should require more indexer to complete it. Therefore, automatic indexing system will be more appropriate compare to the manually indexing due to the inconsistency of trained indexers may affect the indexing outcome. 


Lab Test - Text

What had you learn for today?

At the today's class, I learned how to use the Microsoft word to create a poster for Firefox which is an open source software. 


Lab Test-IMAGE

Photo 1: help remove the mole on his face.



Photo 2: Lady is regarded to have a tattoo on his arm. help to remove the tattoo.



Photo 3: This Holloman had forgotten to take up the sunglasses. Please help him to solve the problem



I learned that Paint can do editing of picture. However, Paint is not a good software for photo editing, because of the poor editing result. I would prefer using other software that gives me more prefect editing result than Paint. However, thanks to this lab test, I now know that Paint also can do editing of pictures if there is not software available.


Tutorial 1

Q1. Briefly discuss the history and future of multimedia. How might multimedia be used to improve the lives of its users? How might it influence uses in negative ways? What might be its shortcomings?

Multimedia is a media which combine of text, audio, images, animation and video. The word multimedia was created in 1966. Multimedia instruments have evolved from text, audio, telecommunication devices, video, animation and more. In terms of multimedia's future, multimedia has great impact on us especially for our daily activities, public and social activities. So, multimedia does improve society's lifestyle even better by providing news, entertainments, inter-reactions and many more.

However, multimedia also do influence users in negative ways. Because multimedia has created convenience and ease of use to users, people apply multimedia in wrong ways, such as, privacy violation, public insult and many more that multimedia can edit or create from to hurt people and create false information. As for multimedia's shortcomings, multimedia also can be misuse by many companies to get something they want.

Q2. Multimedia is shifting from being localized (contained on a CD-ROM) to being distributed (available on the World Wide Web). What are some of the implications of this? Who will have access to the presentation? How will you keep it secure? How will you distribute it?

Multimedia needs huge amount of space or storage to store or retrieve. CD-ROM or compact disc read-only memory has become more cost effective distribution item for multimedia project other then DVD-ROM. A CD-ROM disc manage and automate every aspect of your business all within a single solution.

other than that, it allows people around the world to have access to multimedia. we can keep it secure with access ID and password and even with antivirus software. by World Wide Web, we can distribute multimedia even faster and with lowest cost and for even better is to advertise and promote on the social networking webs to get the efficiency and effectiveness of the distribution.